Choice C is the best answer. “As a result” logically signals that the action described in this sentence (by the mid-1300s, many had abandoned their homes in favor of more habitable lands) is a result or consequence of the previous observation that the land was freezing over, making it too difficult for the local population to grow enough food to sustain themselves.

Choice A: “On the other hand” illogically signals a clear contrast between the two sentences, rather than stating the results or consequences of the previous sentence.
Choice B: “In other words” illogically signals a restatement or clarification of the previous statement, rather than stating the results or consequences of the previous sentence.
Choice D: “Nevertheless” illogically introduces a contrasting idea or concession instead of elaborating on the results or consequence of the previous observations of the land freezing over.
✨ Expert's Tip ✨
- Identify the main idea of the text: Greenland’s climate in the 1200s and its consequences.
- Find a relationship between the text’s ideas: presenting a result or conclusion.
- Choose an appropriate transition word to match the relationship: as a result.