Choice A is the best answer. “Finally” logically indicates a sequence of events or provides a logical connection between the two statements within the sentence. This is signaled through the use of the preposition “after” that indicates the bill was finally passed and signed into law only after facing significant opposition.

Choice B: “Additionally” illogically signals that the information in this sentence is in addition to the claim made in the previous sentence.
Choice C: “Alternatively” illogically signals a different viewpoint or alternative scenario, which does not fit the context of the sentence.
Choice D: “Similarly” illogically signals that the information about the bill facing opposition and being passed into law is similar to the previous statement.
✨ Expert's Tip ✨
- Identify the main idea of the text: the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed into law.
- Find a relationship between the text’s ideas: indicate a sequence of events or provide a logical connection between the two statements.
- Choose an appropriate transition word to match the relationship: finally.