Over the past century, the economies of Germany and Japan have seen shifts in which industries are most prominent. At different historical points, steel, food, and services became the top contributors to each country's economy. Notably, there was one year when the same industry in both countries reached the highest level of contribution to their GDPs. This year can be clearly distinguished when examining the GDP contributions of these sectors in 2020, the latest year in our dataset, reflecting current trends.Choice D is the best answer. The text suggests that one of the industries mentioned contributed the most to the economies of Germany and Japan in the same year. The table shows the year 2020 with roughly the same amount of contribution from the services industry in percentage.
Choice A: In the year 1900, even though the services industry contributed the same percentage to both countries’ GDP, it was the lowest out of all three.
Choices B and C: In the years 1950 and 2000, the top contributing industry for each country was not the same.
✨ Expert's Tip ✨
Identify the main observation made in the text: in one particular year, the same industry (out of steel, food, and services) was the top contributor to the economies of both Germany and Japan.